
Dying in hand of fate game
Dying in hand of fate game

dying in hand of fate game dying in hand of fate game

Despite this, however, he helps them with such fights. Cowardly Lion: Doesn't like getting into conflicts and berates the player for choices that get them into fights.Upgrades to create an explosion when destroyed. Barrier Warrior: His ability protects the Player from one hit in combat.Malaclypse is a mage, but disguises himself as a simple lute-playing bard, because The Empire kills magic-users. An Arm and a Leg: Has his right arm amputated to stop the spread of The Plague.Even should his material body die, he still exists in some form, eternally refining the Game. Time Abyss: Has lived for countless years.Even in the sequel where he is actively helping the New Player, he still can't help it when the player gets a Huge Failure. The Snark Knight: Often has some pretty barbed quips to the player.Serious Business: He takes his Game very seriously, and considering the world-changing nature of it, he isn't exactly wrong.No-Sell: He's clearly infected by the Corruption - a parting shot from Kallas - but he's the only person in the world able to halt its progress through sheer power.Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Many of his lines call into question whether he is talking about the Game of Life and Death or the Hand of Fate video game itself.At first he seems to be motivated purely by revenge, but the further you get into the campaign, the clearer it is that Kallas has to be stopped. A later released DLC allows the player to use him when replaying challenges after the final battle. Guest-Star Party Member: Directly helps the player in the final battle in the second game.While the player can set up their own deck for the most part, he alone sets up the rules of the game and the challenges. Big Good: Acts as this in 2, slowly teaching the player how the game is played and never tries to do them any harm.

dying in hand of fate game

Big Bad: While not exactly evil, he does act as the main antagonistic force in the first game, setting himself as the final challenge the player needs to overcome.Ambiguously Human: While he looks human enough, his longevity and his knowledge of the supernatural and the Game puts what exactly is he into question.He's definitely an antagonist in the first game, but he's generally polite and soft spoken. Affably Evil: For a certain interpretation of evil.He is but a distortion of your memory - do not trust him. Rogue Protagonist: After he wins the game and seizes the Deck, its raw power corrupts him over the course of a century.One-Man Army: He manages to destroy entire hordes of bandits, skeletons, rat men, and lizardfolk by himself.No Name Given: Subverted in the second game, his actual name is Kallas.Subverted in Hand of Fate 2, he has always been the Warlord. Such as being a Monk who forsakes material wealth but does more damage against skeletons. Multiple-Choice Past: The Wildcards DLC allows the player to select a set of different Fates which affect different attributes about the player character.Legendary in the Sequel: A century later, the towns he saved from the hordes worship him like a god.The Hero: The main protagonist and the one you control in the first game.Despite his nobility and heroism, he is little more than a bloodthirsty human supremacist. In the sequel, he uses the Deck to create a human-supremacist empire, and directs it to exterminate most of the non-human population, driving the lizardmen and ratmen races to extinction. Secretly, he hates all non-humans, even the ones that help him. Fantastic Racism: Most of his foes are nonhuman.As Hand of Fate 2 shows, the Dealer was right - Kallas himself notes he's sick of card games and wants good, honest combat. Blood Knight: The Dealer sees him as such.He has to battle through all of the Dealer's minions to win the game. The player of the Game of Life and Death.

Dying in hand of fate game